音光 (Onkou) (2017-2018) is a light controller for Eurorack modular synthesizer system. The module has a camera that can detect X, Y, and Z positions as well as the hue color of the light. Each of these 4 parameters are mapped to a control voltage (4 separate control voltage outputs). The custom light source consists of on/off button, a knob for controlling the hue of the light, and a switch that is used to go back and forth between auto and manual mode. In auto-mode, the module takes in two separate control voltage inputs and send on/off and hue messages to the light source via bluetooth.
Module is made using Raspberry Pi (running Python) and the light source is made with Arduino.
In this demo video, wavetable control voltage from Qu-Bit Chance module is used to randomly change the hue color and sequenced gate control voltage is used for the light’s on/off pattern.
Hardware used:
Moog Mother-32 = main sound source controlled by the light controller
Qu-Bit Chance = random control voltage for light hue control
Make Noise Tempi = On/off message for the light